When You Sign Up For Product eClass You Get:
Session 1

This training module will be immediately available to you in the Product eClass member's area.
On this training, I will show you how to find a single specific problem for which you can locate a single specific solution, and most importantly... assemble that solution in one single sitting! You'll discover:
- The instant gratification hack, and why if you just focus on this, you can stroll into any market and immediately command presence and profits.
- Why you need to set your sights super small in order to win the biggest profits, and have the highest pay days. You can't make waves in an ocean, but you can create major splashes jumping up and down in puddles. And there are a lot of profit puddles out there.
- How to find audiences who pay for and put up with really crappy information products. Now you can be average and you're still a million miles ahead of everyone else. This will blow your mind when I show it to you.
Session 2

This training module will be immediately available to you in the Product eClass member's area.
Subject matter experts are a dime a dozen. What is rare, is a marketer who knows how to extract the real value and market that expertise. That will be you, after this session! You'll discover:
- Why there is no relationship between being good and getting paid - and how to fix that so you can get paid and be good.
- In spite of the fact that there are millions of YouTube videos and Podcasts available for free, people still buy info products to the tune of tens of millions of dollars per day. Once you understand the hidden why for this, it will change everything for you!
- The 6-step process for taking someone else's knowledge & proof, and turning it into a product, complete with a sales pitch - in record time, and where everyone wins (You, the customer, and the expert)!
Session 3

This training module will be available to you one week after joining Product eClass.
The worst way to make money in the information business is with a new customer. For myself and my Product eClass clients, we typically make six, or seven figures with only hundreds of customers. You can too, once you tap into what every other info product seller is missing.
- The only 3 ways you can grow your business - and how much of your time to focus on each of these areas for the quickest growth, with the least amount of effort.
- The "sharp right turn" you must make after you sell your first information product, if you want to snowball your success to turn one-off money-getting into true, avalanche-like profits.
- The one type of information buyer found in every market that is worth at least 212 times the average customer. Just focus on these types, and you won't want for anything ever again.
Session 4

This training module will be available to you 2 weeks after joining in Product eClass.
Getting traffic to your products seems to be the hardest thing for most struggling Internet marketers, who never end up making any money in their online business. This drives me nuts because - if you follow my approach - traffic will become the easiest part of your business.
- Why the best traffic is not for sale, and can't be bought on Facebook, Google, or anywhere else... but you can get it, and get lots of it right away if you do this...
- The one dead-simple traffic hack my top earning Product eClass clients have used over the last 9 years - just do this and your investment in Product eClass will pay for itself hundreds of times over.
- How to use your new-found product creation skills to get high-quality traffic, in droves, that is out of reach of even the savviest digital marketers who think they know everything.
Session 5

This training module will be available to you 3 weeks after joining in Product eClass.
In whatever niche you choose to play, 20% of the customers in that market spend 80% of its money. While most customers are scared to spend a couple of bucks on an info product, there are some customers who won't bat an eye on dropping $2,000, $3,000 or $10,000.
- How to spot and lock in on the "1 in 10" customer who will spend 50x as much on a product, if you just make this one slight tweak.
- Less is more... how the top spenders in any market are the easiest to please, and the products you can sell them actually take the least amount of time, and work, to create (double the profit in half the time).
- Case study after case study of how we are able to go into markets as complete strangers, and immediately sell products 10-100 times more expensive than everyone else - and get happier customers, too! (Don't be creative, just model me.)
Session 6

This training module will be available to you 4 weeks after joining in Product eClass.
Most webinars suck, and most people who try to do webinars struggle for hundreds of hours only to fall flat on their faces. That's because they don't know what you've discovered in the previous Product eClass sessions. Now we integrate those lessons with this webinar formula - and it's the fastest path to seven figures from scratch in less than 12 months.
- How to shift a low ticket product into a free webinar that writes itself and out-converts (and out-values) the slickest, seasoned pitchmen.
- Why the webinar is the single greatest tool you can use online, but only if you do it my way... (Every secret I've learned from over 250 million dollars in sales via webinars is finally laid bare at your feet. Plunder to your heart's content.)
- Throw out the expensive software, tech, and tools. You can do everything with free software that you won't even need to watch an instructional video to figure out how to use.
Session 7

This training module will be available to you 5 weeks after joining Product eClass.
Now you're ready to turn the traffic faucet on. Until this point, we focused on quality traffic - how to get millions from small, underserved, highly responsive audiences. Now we ramp up the quantity, so you can see an exponential growth in profits.
- Paid advertising demystified once and for all - why 99% of traffic buyers are guaranteed to fail, and why you're now destined to succeed.
- I've analyzed 1,617 ad campaigns selling information products. From that, I've identified 17 universal patterns that show up again and again. Of those 17, there are just four you should focus on to get immediate profits and momentum. Then add in the other 13 to scale to the moon.
- 3 little-known places teeming with buyers that almost everyone overlooks. In the land of the blind, even with one bad eye, you can rule. Ruling in these places means lots of profits and lots of happy customers.